New Adventures

I considered calling this first post 101 reasons why I hate but have chosen to take a higher road. Haha. Instead I will just say I have decided to move the record of my adventures to a new venue, beginning by copying all of my old travel stories over. I’m actually excited to take a trip down memory lane while I do.

To start though let me tell you all a little bit about myself!

Any of you who know me in real life will be aware by now that I have a love of adventure and a desire to change the world! Unfortunately, I tend to be terrible at documenting the crazy adventures that I get myself into. I often joke I have forgotten more life experiences than many have lived. (I mean no arrogance just that I have been incredible blessed with a multitude of adventures as I have journeyed through life.)

In an effort to remember and to share my experiences with those who are curious but have not had the experience of my many stories I have created this blog as a means to journal my various musings and process all the experiences that I am so blessed to have. It also gives me a chance to share these thoughts and stories with the world. So stay tuned and please subscribe to my email list. I promise to post amazing pictures and tell great stories. You can also find me on Instagram as @whitrow so give a follow there too 🙂

For anyone coming across this blog that doesn’t know me. I’m Dave a mid 30’s Canadian male, single, well educated (MBA, CPA, CMA), unapologetically Christian, socially focused capitalist. I consider myself a world citizen and love to see others grow their perspective. We live in an incredible world.

Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I go. I know God has a plan for this journey and I cannot wait to see how it all plays out.



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